Can Micro Living play an important role in the future of UK housing?

Can Micro Living play an important role in the future of UK housing?
JLL explores this as a viable form of housing tenure in latest research

LONDON, 27 June, 2018 — More than 80% of the UK’s population now live in urban areas while a recent UN report estimates two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050.
People are attracted to city living due to the ability to live closer to employment and leisure hubs. However, this population movement is putting huge pressure on urban authorities to provide sufficient and suitable housing.

JLL’s latest research  Micro Solutions to a Macro Problem explores the role that Micro Living can play in meeting the housing needs of densely populated areas.

JLL Residential Research Director Nick Whitten says: “In a world where households are smaller, we are living longer, and urban living across the planet is getting less and less affordable, we should be far more open-minded about the full spectrum of housing solutions available."

“Small doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, where more homes across the tenure spectrum can get built, planners and the industry have an obligation to take a more objective view of the complete offer."

“Bigger is not always better and space standards should not be used as a lazy proxy for good design. Modern technological innovations can allow us to deliver desirable Micro Living solutions in densely populated urban areas experiencing a severe imbalance between supply and demand.”


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