Housing Policy - Building Consensus, Building Momentum

The UK Government has a domestic policy agenda that is at least as challenging as the EU exit negotiations are likely to prove, and with new Housing Minister Alok Sharma now in place and the coalition agreed, Government can begin to focus on the endemic housing challenges of undersupply and chronic unaffordability that previous administrations have failed to effectively address.

The UK Government has a domestic policy agenda that is at least as challenging as the EU exit negotiations are likely to prove, and with new Housing Minister Alok Sharma now in place and the coalition agreed, Government can begin to focus on the endemic housing challenges of undersupply and chronic unaffordability that previous administrations have failed to effectively address.

JLL discusses the approach that Government needs to take and reveals five actions that will drive a step change in housing supply.

The data-sf-ec-immutable="" UK Government has a domestic policy agenda that is at least as challenging as the EU exit negotiations are likely to prove, and with new Housing Minister Alok Sharma now in place and the coalition agreed, Government can begin to focus on the endemic housing challenges of undersupply and chronic unaffordability that previous administrations have failed to effectively address.

JLL discusses the approach that Government needs to take and reveals five actions that will drive a step change in housing supply.

Actions for Government

1. Build to rent 

2. Registered Providers 

3. Off-site housing delivery  

4. Homes England 

5. New towns and urban extensions 

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